Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Do We Know About Gary Johnson - 1490 Words

As an accomplished tri-athlete, mountain climber and health fanatic, Gary Earl Johnson, would be one of the healthiest presidents to ever be elected in the United States. (NBC News) What do we know about Gary Johnson? Where does he stand on repealing the Affordable Care Act, taxes, gun control, and the legalization of marijuana? His viewpoint on these controversial issues is intriguing and make him an interesting and viable third party candidate for the presidency. The 2016 Libertarian Party presidential nominee, Gary Earl Johnson, was born in Minot, North Dakota on January 1, 1953 to Lorraine and Earl W Johnson. His mother worked in the accounting department of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and his father was an All-State insurance salesman and later a public-school teacher. (Lizza) Gary was raised both in North Dakota and New Mexico. In 1975, he graduated from the University of New Mexico with a Bachelor’s of Science, in Political Science. (NBC News) Gary is an accomplished businessman. He founded Big J Enterprises in 1976, which grew into a multi-million-dollar business and one of the leading construction companies in New Mexico. Gary sold the business in 1999 to focus more on his political career. (Inside Government) In 1977 he was married to his college girlfriend, Dee Simms, they had two children Seah, born in 1979 and Erik, born in 1982. (Inside Government) Neither of his children have political aspirations and try to lead very private lives. Gary and Dee wereShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : I Believe We Will Win Essay1353 Words   |  6 Pagesvideo â€Å"I Believe We Will Win† from Governor Gary Johnson’s you feel a certain type of way. You feel inspired, you feel motivated, you may feel happy and you may even feel united. This is because within the video Governor Gary Johnson uses Quintilian’s â€Å"Good Man Speaking Well† rhetorical strategy to persuade the possible electorate. 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